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  • Madhura Kawale


Weight gain due to water retention is common. Many a times it happens, one fine day you wake up and notice swollen feet or swollen wrists, some may find it difficult to remove the finger ring. The reason is excess water retention in the body which adds on a few extra pounds.

It happens when the lymphatic system fails to perform it’s normal function in the body of draining out fluids from the body tissues. This may cause retention of water in the body tissues and cause swelling, especially in the lower limbs, arms, abdominal cavity and around the lungs.

Common causes of increased weight due to water retention are obesity, hypertension, menopausal symptom, hot climate, salty diet, birth control pills, pre menstrual syndrome, thyroid disease, etc.

Water retention problem can be easily controlled at household level. Draining out of this retained fluid can help you lose weight and make you appear slimmer by avoiding swelling.

Easy tips to avoid weight gain by water retention:

1.The foremost important thing is to cut down on your sodium intake as it promotes retention of water in the body. Avoid table salt, preserved or canned foods, sauces, pickles, chips, popcorn, salted cheese, salted peanuts, processed meat or sea food, etc.

2.Boil finely chopped parsley leaves or a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water, cool and strain the liquid and consume it empty stomach. This will help lose the retained water from tissues.

3.Avoid high sugary diet as it causes high levels of insulin in the blood and in turn prevents the elimination of sodium and increases retention of water and fluids.

4.Drink plenty of water and other salt free fluids. Your body has the tendency to hold whatever it receives in a scanty amount. Hence, the less water you drink, the more your body will try to keep hold of it. Cranberry juice is known to be a diuretic, prefer drinking it sugar free.

5.Eat a lot of fresh watery fruits and vegetables. They provide enough moisture as well as maintain general health.

6.Consuming high protein and low carbohydrate is the secret behind managing water retention problem. Eat lean chicken, egg whites, fish, beans, milk etc and avoid refined cereals or sugars.

7.Caffeine containing drinks and alcohol dehydrate the body and can lead to water retention. Restrict them.

8.Foods rich in calcium, magnesium minerals, vitamin B5 and vitamin D such as skim milk, yogurt, sesame, nuts, beans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, soybean, spinach, etc help prevent retention of water.

9. A regular physical activity may help boost up the circulation of fluids, increase lymphatic drainage, avoid swelling due to retention and also reduce weight.

10. Herbs such as dandelion, ginger, juniper, corn silk and horsetail act as natural diuretics and help relieve water retention.

11. Fluid retention mostly occurs in your lower limbs. Try to keep them elevated while you sit for hours in the office or workplace. Try body massage to help excrete fluids from body tissues, also wear compression stockings to avoid retention in the lower limbs.

12. Certain medications such as oral contraceptives, corticosteroids cause water retention. Consult your doctor before continuing these medications.

For mild retention, you may try these remedies. But if the problem is too serious, you definitely need to visit a

physician once. Once the problem is under control or if the retention is mild one, try the above solutions and lose the extra watery pounds naturally.

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