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  • Madhura Kawale

SWIMMING -The Coolest Activity Of All

Swimming is one of the most versatile forms of exercise if made a part of any weight loss program. It exercises almost every muscle of your body unlike any other cardio exercises that only exercise your leg muscles. Swimming not only exercises the complete upper and the lower body but also plays a major role in relieving stress.

While swimming you are actually pushing your body against the force of water, hence burning a good amount of calories. The density of the human body and water are approximately the same. Hence as the body is supported by the water, less stress is placed on bones and joints. Since then the resilience of the water protects the joints, swimming is a particularly good choice for obese individuals. Swimming can be chosen as a form of physical activity by the oldies and even pregnant woman.

Swimming consists of four different strokes; freestyle or the front stroke, the back stroke, the breast stroke and the butterfly stroke; each one of which helps burn the calories at different rate. The amount of calories burnt with swimming depends upon your body weight and the stroke that you are undertaking. Butterfly stroke gives a maximum muscular activity and burns about 700-900 calories per hour depending upon your body weight followed by the front stroke burning about 600-700 calories per hour while the breast stroke and the back stroke burning the least calories that is about 400-600 calories per hour. Breast stroke is especially good for the ones who need to concentrate more on the lower body.

Water walk and water aerobics can also be a preferred form of exercise in a swimming pool as they offer remarkable cardiovascular benefits and are one of the few forms of exercise that work out the entire body. Water aerobics puts lesser stress on the knee and hip joints than any other aerobic activity. These kinds of activities may be particularly preferred by an individual having a knee or a joint pain. Arthritis patients may even prefer warm water.

Summers are the best times to undertake such an activity which can keep your body and soul cool.

Why Should I Select Swimming As My Daily Physical Activity?

Swimming has been found as one of the most beneficial exercises in maintaining a sound health due to the maximum health benefits derived from it-

  • Swimming exercises most of the muscles in your body, thus increasing the blood circulation, regulating breathing and relaxing the mind.

  • It increases the muscle strength and helps build the endurance

  • Less pressure is exerted on the body as your weight in water is about 1/10 of your weight on land. Hence it is a perfect exercise for an obese individual.

  • Swimming has been proven to be a safe exercise for arthritis or knee pain and even during pregnancy

  • Making swimming a part of your sedentary lifestyle can avoid muscular atrophy

  • It mainly focuses on twisting the arms and leg muscles, thus it is a safe exercise for a person with back pain.

  • It helps a person exercise almost all the muscles of his/her body, with the main focus being on arms and legs.

  • The people suffering from injuries, back pain, arthritis and disabilities, who cannot indulge in a normal workout, can undertake swimming.

  • Swimming is also beneficial for a complete cardiovascular well being and healthy lungs.

  • It may also reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Swimming is a reservoir of health benefits and hence called 'a complete exercise'.

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