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  • Madhura Kawale


“How to lose hip fat”? is common question that most of the females have. Heavy hips or excess fat over the hips is a common feature amongst females mostly which we call as a ‘pear shaped body’. Unlike excess abdominal fat, hip fat does not pose any health risk but looks unappealing and importantly keeps you away from wearing those body hugging skirts, trousers and denims.


You may have heavy hips either due to wider hip bone or due to wrong diet and inactivity which may lead to excess fat deposition over the hips. If wider hip bone is your case, you cannot really do much about it. But wrong dietary habits can definitely be changed and certain hip exercises may be taken up to lose the hip fat.


Cardiovascular exercises help burn the stored fat, provides excellent cardiovascular conditioning, improves circulation and raises the BMR remarkably. Hence, it is one of the best ways to lose hip fat. Below given are some cardio options to lose hip fat.

Brisk walk:

It completely involves the lower body muscles like hips and thighs. About 50-60 min of brisk walk 5 times every week can shape up your hips well. The more longer steps you take while walking, the better and faster results you get as longer steps will exercise the hip muscle in a better way.


Jogging is a little more faster and rigorous than walking. It will obviously show faster results. Jogging will burn the stored hip fat efficiently as well as help reshape them.


About 30 min of running will burn almost 400 calories as it is a rigorous activity, hence fat burning and utilization of hip muscle would be maximum. Alternately keep a slow and fast pace for good results.


Cycling is again a better workout for hips than the above two. Here, you are using the maximum lower body muscles and energy to move the pedals. It exercises the hip muscles to the fullest due to the round cyclic movement required. Use your bicycle where ever possible. It’s better to burn fat instead of petrol/diesel.

Dancing & Aerobics:

Both these activities provide workout for the complete body, not only hips but it includes every part of your body. You burn almost 500 calories in 60 min of fast pace dance or aerobics.



Squats exercises the major hip and thigh muscles all together. To perform a squat you need to stand in an upright position with feet about hip width apart. Stretch out your hands in the front, you can also hold dumbbells. Now, star bending from your knees till your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold on for 1-2 sec and rise back slowly. Squats help lose hip fat as well as tone up the muscles.


Stand straight with right foot forward and left foot about 3 feet backwards. Hold weights in both hands and keep them on both sides. Keep your back straight, pull in your abdominal muscles and bend downwards from knees. Bend till your right thigh is parallel to floor and then get back. Take 15 repetitions. Repeat by putting the left foot forward.

Hip abduction:

Lie on a mat on your right side with legs stacked. Now lift your left leg in the air, as high as possible, hold on for few seconds and get get back to original and repeat 15 times. Then repeat the same by getting on your left side.

Side stepping:

Select any long staircase for this activity. After 10 min warm up, turn on one side and start climbing stairs side ways at a slow-moderate speed. Once you reach the top, climb down and again climb up side ways by turning on to your other side.

Climbing about 100 steps from both sides, thrice a week works well.

Side plank leg lift:

Lie down on your right side with left hand on side of the hips and right forehand held perpendicular to the floor. Slowly, raise your hips off the floor and then raise the left leg up in the air, as high as possible. Slower lower the leg and then hips. Take 10 repetitions from both sides. This activity will workout your core muscles.


Stand in front of a stepper or stair. Now, keep your back straight , pull in your abdominal muscles and begin with stepping up with your left foot. As you touch the left foot completely, pick up the right one and as you take the right foot near to the stepper, get the left one down to the original position. Keep repeating the same act at a moderate speed. Repeat till you count 100 steps, do this 4 times each week.


  • Try to cut down 500-1000 calories each day, in order to lose 1-2 pound of stored fat every week as a single pound of stored fat contains 3500 calories.

  • To achieve this target, cut down on simple carbohydrates, bakery items, sugars,etc. Prefer whole grains with fiber such as whole wheat, bran, barley, rye, jowar,oats, maize,etc.

  • Include high quality protein foods in order to maintain and build up new good muscles to replace fat. Include egg whites, lean chicken, fish, turkey, skim milk. low fat yogurt, soy, beans, lentils, etc. They increase the BMR.

  • Your daily meal should contain minimum 5-6 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.They provide negative calories.

  • Drink plenty of water, about 13-14 glasses each day.

  • Avoid fried foods, sweets, desserts,salted and preserved foods.

  • Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol. Prefer low calorie vegetable or fruit juices (unsweetened), coconut water, soups, etc.

Now, you don’t need to think twice before picking up any outfit that you like :)

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