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  • Madhura Kawale


Updated: Oct 7, 2020

With the rainy season coming over, here comes in the luscious juicy Plum. It is that versatile kind of fruit which has a number of health benefits both in its fresh and dried form (aka prunes).

They contain a unique antioxidant called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid that provides a number of protective benefits. Plums can be a healthy choice of fruit this season for a number of reasons

Weight loss with plums:

Plums can help you manage the excess fat in your body. It suppresses your appetite and also reduce sugar cravings. A cup of fresh plums provides you only about 72 calories. They have high satiety due to high fiber and moisture content. This helps keep you fuller for a longer duration and also keeps your bowels clean which is important for weight loss. Plums help flush away the toxins from your body which again aids weight loss.

Controls blood pressure:

Plum is a potassium rich fruit. Potassium is a mineral that is required for a smooth cardiac

muscle activity and manage high blood pressure. Regular consumption of plums can give you a good amount of potassium. A medium sized fruit gives you about 112 mg of potassium.

Prevents heart disease:

Being rich in vitamin C, Plum acts as a strong antioxidant. It prevents oxidation of

cholesterol and also keeps it away from adhering to the inner arterial walls and hardening them. Hence, it can act as a protective fruit against heart diseases.

Good for diabetes:

Plums possess a low glycaemic index, 38. It prevents sudden raising of blood glucose on

consumption and keeps sugar levels steady. Low glycaemic fruits are also good on a weight loss diet as they provide a distributed energy throughout the day.

Powerful antioxidant:

Consuming plums regularly gives you a powerful antioxidant dose that help neutralize the free oxygen radicals and prevents a number of diseases including cancer. It prevents damage to the internal organs and helps in smooth functioning in the body.

Relish the sweet and tangy plum daily this season and cut your calories the smart way!

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