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  • Madhura Kawale


Fond of Idli, Dosas, Aloo sabzi, Poha but scared that they contain rice! Are these your regular concerns?

True! Rice may cause a sudden rise in your blood glucose levels. But, maintaining your blood sugar levels to normal even with heavy diabetes is just about eating right combinations and right quantities at right time.

Combining carbohydrate foods with good quality proteins or high fibre foods results in slow and steady release of glucose in blood. For example, Idlis are not just made of rice; they also contain black gram dal. In addition, we always combine Idlis with sambhar which is totally a dal and vegetable preparation. Also, for the ones who find their plate incomplete without aloo sabzi, why can’t you alter your preparation to Aloo-Methi or Aloo-Palak. This will reduce the amount of potato in your diet and the green leafy vegetable will ensure a steady release of glucose in blood.

Here, are the 10 super foods for Diabetes which can help manage your blood sugars naturally.


The omega-3 fatty acids found in flax seeds are known to reduce the Haemoglobin A1C levels in diabetics. Flaxseeds are rich in soluble as well as non-soluble fibers, and also very low in carbohydrates. Regular consumption has shown a marked decrease in blood sugars, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

You can prepare flaxseeds powder and store in refrigerator. Sprinkle it on your salads, vegetables or breakfast cereals.


Oats are a rich source of soluble fiber. They form a hurdle between the digestive enzymes in your stomach and carbohydrates in the food. This results in much slower conversion of carbohydrates to sugar in blood. Make your breakfast interesting by different oats recipes such as Porridge, Upma, Poha, Pancake, etc.


It is extremely true that this wonder fruit keeps the doctor away. Apples contain a strong antioxidant, Quercetin which helps keep a check on your blood sugar levels naturally. Apart from this they are low in calories and also have a low glycemic index. Incorporate atleast 1 apple to your daily diet each day.


Beans are low on calories and very high in fiber content. The phytonutrients in Beans helps beat high sugar levels. They are also rich in protein, mix them with small amount of rice or other carbohydrate foods to reduce the overall Glycemic index of that particular recipe.


The tocotrienols found in nuts help decrease the Hemoglobin A1C levels in diabetics. Beacuse of their high protein and fiber content, nuts help in slow release of glucose in blood. A handful of nuts taken as a mid meal snack can work wonders for diabetes.


This liquid gold is loaded with anti-inflammatory components. Diabetes and heart diseases, both are known to be inflammatory conditions. The mono-unsaturated fats in olive oil helps decrease insulin resistance . It aids in slower digestion of carbohydrates and results in less spikes in blood glucose.


Being one of the richest source of protein, fish also contains Omega-3 fatty acids. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body and improve insulin resistance. Combining fish with your Rice or Chapattis can help reduce the carbohydrate load in your meal.


Quinoa is a high protein grain with a very low glycemic index. Many people also replace it with rice. It contains all essential amino acids and is ranked amongst the good quality proteins. The high fiber in these grains help in slow release of sugars.


Jamuns are very low on glycemic index. They have been found to be useful in reducing overall diabetic symptoms. Not only the fruit, but the decoction of bark and powdered seeds have been proved to reduce blood sugar levels markedly. The Jamun seeds powder contains a Jamboline, a type of glucose which has hypoglycaemic properties


Bitter-gourds are a true blessing for diabetics. They contain 3 active compounds which together help manage diabetic symptoms. It contains Charantin, which has hypoglycaemic properties. It also contains Vicine, which is insulin like compound and lectin which suppresses appetite.

So, eating right with diabetes is just about making right choices and right combinations and not just avoiding your favorite foods.

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